Wednesday, August 7, 2013

I totally stink at blogging....

We all know it..... I am really not good at blogging, I start... and then stop, and start... and then stop again.  I couldn't believe that when I looked at my post the most recent thing I had written was from 2 years ago, sheesh!  Those two years seem like so far away, but at the same time, it has went by so quickly.  I haven't stopped reading blogs, though.  I love reading Emily's  blog and others, daily!   

I've decided to give blogging a try again, especially now that I have a more regular/routine schedule.  Before, my days were split between school, work, an internship, and still trying to manage my home life.  Thankfully now I have graduated school (happy dance) and I have started my full time job as a social worker.  I wanted to start my blog completely over, but there were some posts that I wanted to keep to remember some details... so I ended up just deleting some posts I didn't think were worth keeping. Will I regret it later? Maybe.

So, since the last time I posted, Preston and I have moved to Tennessee, I graduated from my undergraduate school with my BSW.  I started more schooling straight away and worked part time at a shoe store.  I graduated with my Master's of Social Work degree, and now we live in Virginia... where I have started working a job that I love, we're so blessed! Other highlights from this year include going on three, yes three, vacations which included a cruise to the bahamas and grand turk, a beach week in Outer Banks, NC, and another beach vacation to Myrtle Beach.  It's been a good year so far, hopefully you'll get more updates from me....before another 2 years pass!  Here's to hoping, stick with me, I'm going to really try!  Follow me!


1 comment:

  1. YAY!!! Welcome back to blogging!!! :) SO excited!


Thanks for stopping by, I love hearing from you! --Brooke