Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Wonderful Weekends (a trip to Lexington)

Hey friends! Hope you all are off to a great week, our weekend went by fast, but it sure was a good one. I'm a day late posting my weekend recap, but that's okay, right? Better late than never... anyways here is glimpse of our past weekend.
On Friday, I was crazy busy at work all day, but I still managed to leave on time at 4:30 which I was happy about. I went and got our friends Gabby and Hannah after work and then we were on the road and Lexington bound. On our way to Lexington, we dropped my Chloe girl off at my parents' house so that they could dog sit while we were away for the weekend. We arrived in Lexington safely and chit-chatted for a bit before hubby and I went to my brother's house for the night.
On Saturday morning after getting ready, Preston and I headed over to the rehabilitation center that my grandpa has been in since his knee replacement. He is know able to get out of the facility, so Preston, my brother and sister-in-law, and my grandparents left there, got to-go at chic-fil-a and headed to Jacobson Park for a picnic lunch. The weather was nice and having a picnic by the lake was great.... except for the annoying flies that drove us crazy!

After visiting, I hit a couple stores that I wanted to go to including Homegoods and the wonderful Hobby Lobby, I love that place!

I also got my nails done.... I love shellac polish!

After shopping a little while, Preston and I enjoyed dinner at Chili's and then headed to see our buddy Scott and his family. We played "Catch Phrase" and we were all laughing so hard, it was such a fun game! For those that have prayed for Scott and his transplant, thank you! He is doing great and he should hopefully come home next week.
On Sunday, we went to church and then had lunch at Olive Garden. We had another quick visit with my grandparents and then it was back on the road to Virginia....well, after we made a pit stop at Krispy Kreme. It was good, but not as good as when the hot light is on!

Of course, we stopped at my parents' house on the way home for a little visit and to get Chloe. My sister was playing with the dogs outside and it seems that they were the ones in charge, ha!
sorry the pic is so dark!

We made it home just fine and I was in the bed shortly after getting home.... it was yet another great weekend. This weekend we are back on the road and Indiana bound!!
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  1. So glad you had a great weekend! I have had Shellac once and loved it but I am scared to get hooked because I really don't need to spend $20 every two weeks. Ha! How long can you go in between manicures>


Thanks for stopping by, I love hearing from you! --Brooke