Friday, August 9, 2013

5 on Friday

Linking up for 5 on Friday.... here we go!
1. I am thankful for weekends, for me weekends bring sleeping in, time with the hubby, and getting away from my office/desk for a couple of days. Before now, I was bouncing between school and a part time job, so the weekends didn't really mean much, but boy, they do now! Fridays at 4:30 is one of the best times!

2. It is kind of crazy to me that this semester is the first semester since pre-school that I haven't gone to school. It's strange that I am not registered for classes, ordering books, and getting ready for a load of homework- but it is so great that I don't have to worry about all of that stuff...I can handle being finished with schooling! Thankful for my degree!

3. Preston [the husband] and I are involved in a Summer church camp every year. This evening, some of the workers are coming over for a get together/cook out/lock in at our's going to be a fun night! More on that next week...Here is a picture taken at the camp one evening.

4. For some reason, last week my lips were chapped and nothing, and I mean nothing would help until I found this miracle tube of lip bliss! It is some seriously good stuff that works wonders! I recommend it, nobody likes chapped lips!

5. I'm looking forward to Labor Day weekend so that we can take a trip to see Emily and her sweet family! I'm also looking forward to after Labor Day so that I can get decorations out and get my house ready for Fall... can't wait!
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1 comment:

  1. Can't wait for your trip up here! I also can't wait to decorate for Fall...our decor might be up before Labor Day, ha!


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