Thursday, August 15, 2013

How things can change in a year

Have you ever thought about where you were in your life this time last year? Since last August, lots of things have changed for us. I have decided to do a flashback comparison month by month to show a difference between then and now... so, I am rewinding the past year just to remember what has happened over the past 365 days, warning: This post is very long and has some an overload of pictures!

August 2012: We were living in Elizabethton, TN. I was a full time student working towards my Master's degree at ETSU, I was working at my internship placement part time, and I was working at a shoe store part time.... Preston was working on his Master's degree through KCU, and was working at Best Buy. Preston and I also celebrated 4 years of being together since we started dating, we went to a Tenth Avenue North concert
September 2012 Last September was a lot like August, consumed in school, work, internship, etc. In September I also made my first deco mesh wreath so that it would be ready for October, it turned out like this:
In September I also made chicken and dumplins' for the first time!

October 2012 In October, we continue with the working/school routine... I made this wreath for halloween.

In October I went to my friend Deanna's baby shower and got to see some friends from high school!

November 2012 In November, my mom and I did our annual Black Friday shopping (we LOVE it) and my sister got to join for the first time.... after that, we were on the road and Florida bound for Emily's baby shower!

December 2012: In December, we enjoyed Christmas, the Biltmore estate, and a short break from school!

January 2013 January came and we continued school, but I was excited for it to be my last semester. Towards the end of January, for the first time, I interviewed for a full time social work job position for after graduating school. In January I picked up a new hobby and began crocheting sashay scarves

In January I also got a picture of Chloe sleeping like she normally does, on her back, on a pillow, covered up, with her tongue out... spoiled?

February/March 2013: In Feb and March, not much changed... the same school/work routine. We must have been either boring or busy because I didn't even take any good pictures.
April 2013: In April, Preston and I found an amazing deal on a cruise (thanks to my brother who told me about it)and we booked a cruise on the spur of the moment and we were ready to set sail in just 2.5 weeks. If you know me, I'm a huge planner, so going on a trip like this without planning it was crazy to me, but it was so much fun!

At the end of this cruise, I got a voice mail which led me to talking to someone from the company I interviewed for back in January, I ended up being offered and accepting the job!
May 2013: In May, we had already planned to go on vacation with our friends Adam and Renee to the Outer Banks in North Carolina so we went on another vacation. Also in May, I graduated from graduate school with my Master's of Social Work degree!

June 2013: In June, we moved to Virginia and began to get things situated in our new home. I planted my first rose bushes, which I was extremely excited about. My family had planned a beach trip.... so I was blessed with another vacation, this time to Myrtle Beach, SC.
In June I was also honored with being a bridesmaid in my dear friend, Jade's wedding... it was such a fun wedding!

Also in June, I started my job as a social worker doing what I love and working with children every day. It's great to go from having a crazy schedule to only working 8:30-4:30 Monday through Friday, I love my schedule!
July 2013 July continued work, but my 3 month streak of vacations came to an end! I did enjoy visiting the church camp a lot in the evenings after work, though!
And that brings us to where we are now, August... I'm enjoying the changes that have made, our move, and my job, I'm excited to see what the next year brings. What's been going on in your lives lately?
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  1. Busy, busy!! Yay, for cruises! :) Was going to respond to your email, but it said you were a no reply! :( I went to Abingdon, VA!

    1. I think I fixed my settings, I thought it sounded like Abingdon.... that's where my husband is from, we go there all the time!!


Thanks for stopping by, I love hearing from you! --Brooke