Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Midweek Ramblings

Happy Wednesday, we're half way through the work week, people! I don't have really anything specific to write about, but have different things bouncing around in my head, thus the need for a random rambling post.

This week I worked late (7:00pm) Monday and Tuesday. I normally work late Tuesdays and due to just needing to get things done on Monday, it called for a late night, too. I came in early yesterday, so I am exicted that I get to leave on time today. I've been tired from working this week.

Also, I am thankful to have a husband that helps me with house work, dinner, etc. Since I've been working extra this week, Preston has the laundry caught up and made a delicious dinner that was ready at just the perfect time last night, thank you!

This weekend we are going to WV for a funeral... I hate the circumstances, but I am glad we can see people we haven't seen in a while as we honor the life of Craig. Please pray for the McGlothlin family in their time of loss.

It's snowing again today. Since we had weather in the high 60s this past weekend, I thought we might be over the cold... I'm ready for flip flops, grilling, and spending time outside!

I'm looking forward to the time changing so that daylight is longer and there is more time for evening walks!

This week I have a hair appointment, I'm getting colors I haven't gotten before, so I'm hoping it turns out well! I get bored with my hair, so time for a change. Anyone else like that? I thought about getting it cut, but I'm just going to have a trim.

I was looking at the calendar yesterday and realized that in just 3 months, Preston and I will have been married 3 years! 3 years?! How has it already went that fast? It sure doesn't seem like it.

Today is my mom's birthday, Happy Birthday, Mom!

The Bath and Body Works fresh picked hard working hand and body cream is amazing. I keep it by my desk at work and it works wonders, no dry hands for this girl!

I hope everyone is having a great week, any exciting weekend plans coming up?


  1. Since you told me this morning, I am so excited about the time change. I am ready for evenings with sunlight!!! Can't wait to being the grill out of storage!

  2. I'll have to pick up a bottle of the lotion. I need some new! Happy Birthday to your mom! I can't wait to see your hair. What colors did you go with?


Thanks for stopping by, I love hearing from you! --Brooke