Monday, February 24, 2014

Positives on Monday

a day of k

Last week I had an unplanned blogging break, simply due to being so busy.... but I'm back! How was everyone's weekend? Wonderful I hope. Ours was pretty much planned around church events. Girls from the youth group came over to our house for a girls night on Friday, it was fun! We cleaned the house Saturday morning, spent some time outside, and then had other company over Saturday evening. Sunday we had youth night at church and it went very well, very proud of our youth. I'm back linking up for Positives on a for my 4 positives things!

[ONE.] It's almost the end of the month, which is crazy, how did March come so quickly? I think it's a positive thing though because I love Spring and Summer and it's that much closer!

[TWO.] I'm not quite sure why, but it was pretty easy to get up this morning (if you know me you know I like every second of sleep I can get), I'm thankful for a good start to my day, and my week... seeing the sunshine helped with that!

[THREE.] I've been trying to eat better and make sure that I'm getting exercise. While it is hard to pass up on some foods, I have been making progress. I'm not perfect, but I'm beginning to see a small difference, down 3 pounds, woohoo!

[FOUR.] Sometimes we can't have what we want, when we want it. God has bigger and better plans and his timing is perfect. Right now I am being positive and enjoying what I have right now, in this moment. I am working towards not just looking towards what is to come, but realizing the blessings I have right now.

Have you thought about the positives in your life right now? What do you have to be thankful for?
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  1. Good job for being down 3 pounds! I think that's great and while it's hard to pass up certain foods, it's a little easier when you are seeing results! :) You can do it! ...and then you can motivate me to do it once I deliver this baby! Also, I am so jealous that you got up easily this morning. It was hard prying my body from bed today!

  2. Congrats on the weight loss, that's so awesome. Every pound counts! I eat clean as much as I can, if I don't buy it, I can't eat it..but that's hard and unrealistic with a 10 year old in the house. He eats healthy for the most part. But he does like fruit snacks and rice crispy treats and those are always in the house..and also my weakness. If I want something, I wait a few minutes to and ask myself if it's worth blowing my workout for a quick treat. It's usually not and I end up grabbing a banana or something else instead. Just stay motivated'll get there:)

  3. Good girl on the weight loss!! You can do this girl!

  4. Great job on the weight loss! I've been making better choices too. It's coming off and I'm excited. Just wish I didn't have so much to lose!

  5. Congrats on the 3 pounds :) Every pound is a step in the right direction.


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