Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Deer and Dog

It's Wednesday, we're half way through the week, people! Not only is it hump day, it's snow day... so I am home today with Chloe girl.  The morning has started slowly and I think the rest of today will include cleaning our house, repainting my nails, and then going to church this evening.  That's one great thing unexpected days off, you can kind of do what you want because you weren't supposed to have it off...well, that's how I look at it anyways.
It started snowing yesterday afternoon and didn't stop until night.  I got home from work, parked at the bottom of our hill, and walked up (in flats, again).  We spent the evening in and didn't do a whole lot.  We saw a few deer outside and then after getting a picture I decided to take a few pictures of Chloe, I just love her!
Also, I got my SLR camera last year, but if anyone has any good tips on how to use which setting for what, it'd be appreciated!


Excuse my tshirt and robe :)

"Seriously, mom... no more pictures!"

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  1. Hi Brooke! I have an SLR, too, and it takes some time getting used to all the settings. I forced myself to take it off full auto and I started putting it on manual. Read online articles about aperture and focus, and if you feel comfortable, take it off auto focus and manually focus it, too. The images become SO much more crisp!

  2. I second what Melissa said! Pioneer Woman has some great articles about aperture and shutter speed and exposure. I'm nowhere NEAR where I want to be, but I've gotten the general concepts down enough to shoot in manual: for crisp pictures with a blurry background, set aperture as low as your camera will go, and then adjust shutter speed up if you've got plenty of light or down (as far as you can without ending up with blurry pictures - the lowest I'll usually go is 1/80) if you're in a darker environment. Challenge yourself to try and shoot without flash, too - you'll be amazed how much light you can capture without it. :)

  3. Jealous of your snow day! No fair! Chloe looks so cute!

  4. I wanted to thank you again for stopping by my blog! :) I am so happy to have found you, and am now your newest follower! :) Your little pup is ADORABLE! I love animals! We have a Maltese - she is tons of fun :)

    Last year I spent a lot of time learning my DSLR! My advice would be to never use the pop-up flash, and learn how to shoot in manual mode! :) I read a TON of articles on Pinterest and watched a lot of YouTube videos! I will have to find the ones that really helped me and pass them along to you :) I'm looking forward to becoming blog friends! :)

  5. Awe! Great pictures! Glad you enjoyed your snow day!

  6. Your puppy is ADORABLE.

    How sad is it that I've had my DSLR (and some pretty nifty lenses) for almost 3 years and I still never take it off auto mode? Whoops.


Thanks for stopping by, I love hearing from you! --Brooke