Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Crayon Art!

Hello friends! Hope all of you are staying warm in this cold weather! I am enjoying an extra day off work, as our company is closed today due to the temperatures. I hadn't had time before to write about the crayon art Brinley and I made when she visited. Here I am now with an extra day off, so what better time than now? You may have seen crayon art or have already done it, but it was a fun and easy project so I thought I would share it.

You will need:
Plenty of crayons (since making 2, we had around 200)
Hot glue gun/glue sticks
Blow dryer

Step 1. Starting with your crayons, decide what color scheme you want your art to have.  Brinley chose mostly pinks and purples so that her canvas would match her room.  I wanted more of a rainbow look for my office, so I chose red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple.  After deciding, we found it helpful to line the crayons on the canvas how you plan on gluing them.  We pointed them all the same direction, with the label showing the same way on all crayons.

Step 2. After lining the crayons how you are wanting them to look, using a hot glue gun, secure all crayons to the canvas.  Keep in mind you don't have to keep them in a straight line, you can create shapes if you'd like.

Step 3. After crayons are secure, hold canvas with crayons pointing down.  Make sure you have either a drop cloth, news paper, or a surface you don't mind getting messy, as some of the wax splatters.  I have a table cloth I use for crafting, so I just used that.  While holding the canvas, begin to blow dry crayons.  It helps to start at one side and work your way across.  Hold the blow dryer in the middle of the crayons.  Within no time, the wax will begin to melt and run down the canvas.  You can change the stream of the wax by moving the angle of your canvas.  Continue melting crayons until art is complete. We found that our wax only went half way down the canvas due to clumps of wax, to fix this problem, simple move your blow dryer to those sections and they will continue to melt.

Step 4. After melting wax, simply lay canvas flat and allow art to dry.

Here are our finished products, they are so fun!

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  1. How cute! We are going to have to try that!

  2. These looks SO great! I love them!

  3. So cool! Yours turned out awesome!!

  4. Fun way to spend a cold winter day! Love how crafty winter makes us..I'm going stir crazy over here!

  5. That turned out awesome!! I've always wanted to try this, ha!


Thanks for stopping by, I love hearing from you! --Brooke