Monday, September 30, 2013

Wonderful Weekends

It's Monday again, blogging friends... let's make the most of it with a recap of this past weekend, it was a good one!
On Friday Preston picked up Brinley because she was staying with us for the weekend. After work, I stopped by the grocery store to pick up a couple of things I needed to go with dinner for that evening. I tried a new recipe, cornflake chicken casserole, it was a hit and we will definitely make it again, you can get the recipe here. We enjoyed dinner and watching a movie at home.
Saturday morning we were up early and on the road, we first went to Johnson City to Best Buy to get my phone looked at, they are sending a new one, woohoo! After a quick trip to J. City, we (Chloe included) went to Abingdon for a day on the lake with Preston's Nana and PawPaw. It was a great day, we had lunch on the lake, with perfect weather. We enjoyed fishing, even though we only caught 2 the whole time. After the lake we went to the campground that Nana and Pawpaw have their camper at. Preston and I got in a mile walk before a hotdog dinner and we ended the night with S'mores...yum! We then got back on the road and made it home that night.
Here are some pictures from Saturday:

Sunday included church in the morning and then we went to Kentucky to take Brinley home. Preston and I got back home and decided to do some cleaning, so now we have a freshly cleaned house with all of the laundry caught up, which feels great!
Well, that brings us to this morning.... have a happy Monday and a great week, friends!!
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