Monday, September 16, 2013

Wonderful Weekends: Homecoming 2013

Hey everyone! I don't know about you all, but we had a great weekend which consisted of me going Kentucky for some football and the homecoming dance.  I left straight from work on Friday, Preston wasn't able to make this trip.
I got to Pikeville just in time for tailgating with family and friends before the game starting. My brother Bradley had an awesome game having 3 touchdowns and 2 extra points, I was a proud sister! The night was complete with a win of 34-21, it was a good game!

Saturday started early with getting my sister, Brinley, ready for her homecoming dance.  Her twin brother, Brice, was also going to the dance, but as we know, it takes a lot more to get girls ready... while Brinley was at her nail appointment, hair appointment, and make up appointment, Brice was in the bed!  Brinley and I have always been close so it was great being able to be there to help her get ready for the dance.  Seeing them dressed up showed just how much they've grown, they're definitely not babies anymore!  They both looked great for the dance, they said they had a great time! Just so that you can see a "then and now" here is a picture of Brinley and Brice from when they were babies:

And here are pictures from before the dance:
Brinley and Brice

yes, her eyes are really that blue!

so handsome :)

Brice and his date, Caysie

Brinley and her date, Brandon

she kept switching shoes!

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1 comment:

  1. hahaha, love these pictures and the fact that B kept switching shoes. I can't believe how grown up she looks-where does the time go!? Oh and I love her dress!


Thanks for stopping by, I love hearing from you! --Brooke