Monday, September 9, 2013

Wonderful Weekends

This past weekend was a good and relaxing weekend, we have not been home on the weekends in about the last 5 or 6 weeks, so it was nice to not be on the road. We didn't do a whole lote, but some of what we did this weekend included a high school football game with friends Friday night, Spritfest Saturday morning where we listened to one of our friends sing, some cleaning and grocery shopping Saturday evening, and then church and a good absolutely wonderful Sunday afternoon nap! This was our first Sunday at our new church that Preston is youth ministering at, everyone was so welcoming so that was nice. Anyways, here are a few pictures from this past weekend. What did you do this weekend?

I love our roses outside of our house
Speaking of roses, I walked in to my office on Friday to surprise "just because" roses from the hubby :)
Finally put my new Vera Bradley skin on my laptop, love it!

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1 comment:

  1. Your roses from P are so pretty! Glad you had a good weekend!


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