Friday, September 6, 2013

Five on Friday

[ONE] I don't know about you all, but I'm ready for fall... I know I've said it before about the weather, but I'm ready for the cool days, football, jackets, boots, crunchy leaves, colorful leaves, caramel apple spice, pumpkin rolls, Thanksgiving, warm colors kind of days. I love Summer, but I'm ready for change.

[TWO] Speaking of football, we are going to our local high school's home game tonight... we are really looking forward to it, especially since it will be time spent with friends. I am pretty sure I will miss not having a brother in the game though, but I'm also looking forward to next Friday because I'll be watching my brother's game then.

[THREE] I love Candleberry brand candles. Haven't heard of them? Check it out here.  Their candles smell sooo good and they burn really well, too.  Some of my favorites are hot maple toddy, fall festival, cinnamon broom stick, raspberry lemonade, and pink sugar.  There are tons of different scents! They have candles, room sprays, tarts, and car scents.

[FOUR] Our friend Bruce is in the Navy and him and his wife have been living in Hawaii... he was released and they are coming home for a short week before leaving to go to Japan. We plan to see them this month and it will be so nice, it has been a long time since we saw them last! Please pray for their travels and move!

[FIVE] I am thankful for having a job that I love, I enjoy working with kiddos in my office, at their home, and in school... the fact that I could make the slightest difference gives me motivation to keep going, even when it's hard!

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Thanks for stopping by, I love hearing from you! --Brooke