Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Confessions of Brooke

For some reason, lately I've been noticing some things about myself, things at work, at home, and in between. For what it's worth, here's some truth about me, Brooke.
1. On a daily basis, I use about 20 post it notes at work, seriously, they're everywhere, on my desk, in my planner, in different folders. They are organized, they keep me organized, and their little pop of color (pink, orange, & green) is nice to see.
2. My husband makes our bed almost every morning [Thanks, Preston!]
3. Sweet tea is my coffee, it really helps get me going in the mornings!
4. Sometimes I am very impatient.
5. I need to re paint my fingernails really bad.
6. I hate talking about money, it puts me in a bad mood, I'm trying to work on that.
7. My car needs to be cleaned it, it's usually clean, but it's definitely not right now.
8. I'm happy to be out of school and starting to work on my LCSW licensure next month kind of intimidates me!
9. I'm clueless about all the "Fall shows" everyone has been talking about...
10. I went to Zumba this week for the first time in awhile and I about died.
11. I need to drink more water on a daily basis.
12. I seriously do not want to give up my flip flops... I'm not ready for closed toe shoes.
13. I've started my Christmas shopping, but still have a ways to go.
14. I sleep in until the very last possible minute for me to get up and get ready on time...sleep is precious to me!!
15. Speaking of sleep, I press snooze about 4 times each morning.
16. I've only done 1 of my 2 nice things for strangers so far this week.
17. I haven't done well with meal planning lately, I always do it last minute.
18. Hearing people chew their food/ice/gum gets on my nerves SO badly.
19. I am very indecisive about my hair, I got it cut not to long ago and now I want to grow it out, any tips/suggestions would be great!!
20. I have a tote box FULL of Bath and Body Works products so that I have my own little stock in my closet, and I like it that way.

And there you have it, 20 random confessions/facts about me... see you next time!
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Thanks for stopping by, I love hearing from you! --Brooke