Monday, December 9, 2013

Weekend at Home

Well, Monday has struck again... here's to hoping it's not too bad and Friday comes quickly. Anyways, this past week has been crazy at work trying to get everything done since I have the whole week of Christmas off, woohooo! I'm so excited to have a nice break from work, but it makes the weeks before then pretty hectic! Needless to say, after having a busy week, it was nice to have a weekend at home without many plans.
Friday evening we were planning on taking our youth group from church to Bristol to see the speedway in lights. It always looks amazing, but due to the weather, the trip was postponed. I must say, I was glad though because Thursday evening and Friday I wasn't feeling the greatest and had thought about staying home anyways. Friday evening around 9 I started feeling better... I decided to clean and Preston pitched in, like he usually does, which was nice. I used my new steam mop that I got on black friday for the first time and I love it! I love that it cleans and sanitizes without any chemicals. After cleaning we didn't feel like cooking, so we had a late Taco Bell dinner. We tried the cinnabon delights, These are little pockets of heaven... SO good.

Saturday we slept in, which was awesome. As I was getting ready for the day, I had a mini panic... I had showered, blow dried my hair and was sectioning off my hair to straighten it when I noticed a problem. One of the diamond earrings that Preston gave me from our 2nd Christmas together was gone. That's right, it was gone. I went back to where I dried my hair to look and found the back on Chloe's stairs that lead to our bed. I searched in the bed, under it, on the floor, couldn't find it. I was for sure that it probably went down the drain when I washed my hair. I was upset, but tried to remember that it was a material object, an earring, but it had a special meaning to it. Then, while Preston was taking Chloe outside, he noticed that my bulbs that are not supposed to sprout until Spring had started coming up. I believe I have the 70 degree and rain weather this week to blame for that. We went on with our day, I saw my brother and sister in law for a bit, and we got groceries for me to cook dinner. But, we opted to go to a restaurant I love that has the BEST spinach dip. I don't normally like spinach dip, but I like this one. After getting home from dinner we finished watching The Office on netflix... we ended the night with the season 9 finale. That's it. The end. No more office... sad!! After that, Preston searched under the bed again and he found my earring!!! I was so happy! I put new backs on both of my earrings and am so thankful that he found it!

Sunday we went to church like usual. Then we came home and we made the meal I had planned on making the night before. We made a broccoli chicken braid that was so good! After lunch it was nap time. With the cold rainy day, it was perfect. I love a good Sunday nap! We headed to church again in the evening and then made a quick trip to Wal-Mart. Unfortunately, the rain, cold, and me being out didn't mix well, I've now got a runny nose and cannot quit sneezing, booo! I'm hoping it passes quickly, I've got too much to do to be sick with a cold! I also don't need a cold to drain what energy I do have. Also on Sunday, we wrapped more Christmas gifts and then just had a peaceful night.

Even though our weekend had a mini panic and I got sick, it was the weekend none the less.... already looking forward to the next one, especially since Preston and I have a day planned for Saturday that will be spent shopping and enjoying dinner at one of our fav restaurants!
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  1. SO glad you found your earring! Also, our bulbs came up early last year too-I think around this time. It ended up working out, they didn't boom until Spring like they should! :) We are sick too-must just be this time of year!

  2. I'm glad that you found your earrring! The brocolli chicken braid sounds yummy!!


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