Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Christmas Goodies

I don't know about you all, but I love making Christmas goodies. This week I tried a new recipe that was for cookie bars, the recipe is here . I liked this because it made a large amount and it is really tasty! We also made dipped peanut butter crackers... mmm. Next one the list that will hopefully get made this week is some cinnamon hard candy. My mom has always always always made cinnamon candy. I remember taking huge suckers (made out of the hard candy mixture that was put in different molds to shape them) to school. I'm not sure what else I'll make this year, I'm sure there will be more. What are your favorite Christmas goodies to make? Please share!
*it looks more green than yellow in person

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  1. The cookies look so good. I've never heard of Cinnamon candy but it sounds awesome!

    1. Thanks, my coworkers loved the cookie bars! I think you would love the cinnamon candy, it's pretty easy, but you have to work fast. We made it last night and your house instantly smells soo good!

  2. Oh, that looks so yummy!!!!


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