Monday, April 14, 2014

Spring Flowers: Picture Overload!

Hello, everybody!  I have had so much fun with our Spring flowers that have bloomed, driving up our drive way after work and seeing them just makes my day.  It might be due to the fact that I've actually kept something alive and got them to bloom... or because they are just really pretty, either way I love them!  If you have been around awhile, you might remember this weekend post from when we built our flower box.  It is so great to see our hard work from last fall pay off!  This past weekend, I thought the flowers were looking particularly beautiful (even though more have bloomed since taking these photos) so I decided to get out my camera and practice taking some manual shots... I'm loving how they turned out, now for a picture over load!

Obviously Chloe wasn't in a picture taking mood

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  1. Brooke, these look great! I love the flower box!

  2. Absolutely gorgeous. So glad they turned out well after all that work that day.

  3. I'm so jealous!! We had frost this glad I didn't give into temptation and plant flowers this past weekend..


Thanks for stopping by, I love hearing from you! --Brooke