Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Midweek Ramblings: It's Spring!

Wednesday is here... Spring is here... and I am loving both! You see, Wednesday and Friday at work at casual days and it just makes it much easier getting to wear jeans rather than dress slacks. I'm sure once the warm weather is here to stay, skirts and dresses will be enjoyable, but for today, my jeans have made me happy. Anyways, if you can't already tell, this is kind of a random post with a bunch of thoughts, sooo... why not use bullets? Sounds like a great idea to me!

* It is supposed to be 75* here today, which is glorious.. absolutely looking forward to it, especially since I worked late yesterday when it was nice.

*Speaking of the weather, it seems that Spring has finally came. Warmer weather and thunder storms in the forecast... sounds like Spring to me.

* What I'm loving about Spring right now is flowers. If you follow me on IG, you may have seen my pictures of our flowers blooming, I may be overly excited, but you guys, I usually kill plants so to see my bulbs coming up is awesome to me! I'm definitely hooked! I love seeing the different colors by our walk way.

*I'm wanting to do a craft, I am thinking maybe a burlap wreath and painting numbers for the front of our house.. maybe. Have you done a Spring craft, suggestions are welcomed.

*I have on a pair of new Reef flip flops today, can someone tell me why the shoe store put the sticky price label right where my heel goes so that the adhesive sticks to me?

*We are starting a new thing for church on Sunday with the kiddos and I am looking forward to it, I really think it will be great.

*I'm ready for a mini vacation away, problem is we don't have time right now. So, that's on hold.

*I've done good sticking to my workout plan this week, working on getting the next 10 pounds off...when I do, I'm rewarding myself with new shoes, so lose lose lose! Ha, that rhymed.

*Speaking of working out, I've entertained the idea of trying to start running.. maybe, I can't really believe I just said that. I'm not a runner, never have been, but I know it is good for your body and I've seen the difference it can make in several people.... so for you runners out there, any tips to help me get started?

Okay, now that I've got some of these random thoughts out of my head, maybe I can focus a little more. That's enough from me for now, what are you guys thinking lately?

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  1. I am SUPER jealous of your 75 degree temps. It was 62 today here and it was enjoyable, I guess I can't be greedy since we've had so much snow!

  2. Make the burlap wreath! I did last year and I loved the outcome. I bought a wreath this year that I loved from Pier 1 and it will probably stay up for most of the season:)


Thanks for stopping by, I love hearing from you! --Brooke