Thursday, April 17, 2014

Finish This Link-Up

Woohoo, it's Thursday!! I have kind of been in a "writing rut" and not sure what to write about. After seeing Amanda's post with this link up, I decided to join in!

My favorite vacation spot
Well, I love cruises, so I guess I could call the Carribean my favorite vaction spot, and out of those, I really loved Grand Cayman Island. The water is so beautiful there! I also really loved our trip to the Outerbanks in North Carolina, love all the light houses there!

If I won a million dollars....
It's nice to dream if that would happen, I would give part to the church or missions, pay off student loans, get Preston a new vehicle, buy a house, decorate said house, save, and I'm sure I'd enjoy a little shopping.

If I could go on a celebrity date...
Okay, let's be honest, I don't know who a lot of celebrities are. Maybe I don't pay attention when I watch t.v. or movies, I'm not sure. Brad Pitt could be next to me and I'd not have a clue who he is. But, one actor I do know of is Patrick Dempsey (is that even spelled right?) so I suppose I would choose him.

If I had a genie in a bottle with three wishes...
1. I would wish people could just be nice, think how different it would be if everyone were nice and kind.
2. I would wish that there wasn't as many difficulties in my job field.
3. I would wish for... well, I'm not sure, we all know the likelihood of this happening so I don't normally just sit and ponder about wishes. ;)

My favorite clothing item is...
Not sure if it's my favorite, but I can put a cardigan with just about anything... but I also love my sandals so it's a toss up!

Well that link-up was fun, join in on it!


  1. Yes to cardis!! They always complete an outfit in my opinion.

  2. Love your answers! It would be amazing if everyone could be nice!

    XX, SS || A Little Seersucker Sass

  3. Thanks for joining the link up, I hope you'll join us again next week for a new set of prompts! I love the Outer Banks, I went there a lot as a kid before it was popular and commercialized and wild horses ran free all over the beaches and sand dunes. It was amazing! If Brad Pitt were standing next to me, I'd probably say, "I saw your butt in 'The Legend of the Falls'" because I'm a dork like that!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA


Thanks for stopping by, I love hearing from you! --Brooke