Thursday, March 13, 2014

A Tribute

Remember last week when I wrote about our weekend and mentioned going to Preston's grandmother's house for Sunday lunch? We didn't know it would be our last dinner at Mawmaw's table with her. Last Thursday, March 6th, we got our day started, went to work like normal. However, about 10:00 am, we got news that changed everything, Mawmaw had passed away. How? We were just with her on Sunday, she just prepared Preston's favorite meal of hers (meatloaf) 4 days ago... and how thankful we are that all 10 family members were at Mawmaw's house on Sunday.  After getting the call I work, I immediately left, came home to Preston, our friend Scott picked up Chloe girl as we were packing, and then we were off to Abingdon.

While this post could be a reflection of grief, as there has been so much through this past weekend, I don't want to write about that.  Sure, as a family, we will miss Mawmaw, we will miss her giggle, we will miss her smile, we will miss her character as a whole, but let's focus on the positive and reflect on memories. 

Let's remember that she always wanted to hug Preston on his left side so that she could hear his heart beat. 
Let's remember how much she enjoyed preparing Sunday lunch.
Let's remember her silly jokes. 
 Let's remember that she always had an abundance of household items, like Splenda, foil, and dish washing liquid.  
Let's remember that she had a wonderful smile.
Let's remember that she always painted her nails with clear polish.
Let's remember she loved water aerobics.
 Let's remember that she loved word search puzzles. 
 Let's remember that she loved Jesus, and she loved her family. 
Let's remember she always put left overs in butter bowls.
Let's remember that she was an independent hard worker, that had to have her pressure washer taken away when she was 80 years old.  
Let's remember that she was joyful.  
Let's remember that she loved sewing.
 Let's remember that Mawmaw is a gem. 
Let's remember that now she doesn't have arthritis, but she's walking on streets of gold.
  Let's remember that she is no longer missing her husband, but that they are together again. 
 Let's remember that she lived her life serving her Lord and others around her.  
Let's remember that this isn't goodbye forever. 

At Virginia Beach

Mawmaw and Grandmama at our wedding shower

At my Master's graduation

Being escorted at our wedding

At a different wedding shower

After our wedding reception

Before our wedding

We will see you again, Mawmaw, until then, enjoy Heaven for us, we love you. 

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  1. I am so sorry for your loss. I lost my grandfather in October suddenly and it was quite hard. Thinking of you.

  2. Such a sweet post, and beautiful written. Stephen and I are so sorry for your loss and are keeping you guys in our prayers. Hugs!

  3. So sweet, praying for you and the family!

  4. I'm so sorry for your loss, sweets :( it's never easy, but know she's now your guardian angel <3

  5. So sorry for your loss, but I loved to read all about her! I also think it's great that you have so many pictures with her, and of her! Beautiful words about her!

  6. I am so sorry for you loss. Praying for you!


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