Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Cha Cha Cha Chaaanges

At the beginning of the month, I had thought about 5 major things that are happening this month and things that we needed to do. It's almost the middle of the month and 3 of those 5 things have already been done. We've packed our stuff and we moved to Kentucky this past Saturday. It was tiring, but I'm glad we have everything boxed up and in the storage unit until our house is finished.

Speaking of the house, we meet with the builder this week to pick finishings. We had already chosen our cabinets, but now they are discontinued so we are back to the drawing board with that. We also picked our paint colors this week. I can't wait to see if finished and fast forward to when everything is unpacked and put away in it's proper place!

This past Sunday was our first Sunday at our new church. It went great, everyone was so welcoming! We are very excited to be involved there. One of my favorite things about church was the message on Sunday evening. I was reminded that work and my career are not everything. Of course, I know this, but it's always nice to have the reminder. My job is not who I am but what I do. "You don't have a job when you come into the world, and you don't have a job leaving the world, so you can't put all your eggs in that basket."

Chloe girl is adjusting to the move, however she's had a hard time. She does NOT like the stairs at my parents' house and I hope it's not a preview of how she will be with our stairs in our new house. I think she's just having to get use to them again, we've been in a 1 story for a while.

It seems like there are big changes for lots of people lately. Moving, changing jobs, expecting a baby, change in relationships, etc. One thing that is amazing to me is that God already knows what's going to happen and it's in His perfect plan- trusting Him.


  1. Congrats on getting the move completed! You're right... God's plan is perfect.

    XX, SS || A Little Seersucker Sass

  2. Yay for the house! Continuing to pray Gods blessings on y'all!

  3. these are all big things. what a month right? glad that you can cross some of those things off your "list" and that you enjoy your new church home. that's huge.


Thanks for stopping by, I love hearing from you! --Brooke