Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Window Shutter to Wall Decor

Woohoo for Wednesday, half way to the weekend, people! Do you all ever get a DIY project idea, buy at least part of the materials, and then it doesn't happen? No, it's just me? Well anyways, I finally did a project I've been meaning to do for a while now.

This past weekend, I had some time at home and decided to finally complete a project I had been wanting to do since I first joined Pinterest. One of my very first pins was to re-do an old shutter and make it something for inside our home. I have had the shutter for a while (it's went through 2 house moves with us) so it was time to use it for what I had bought it for in the antique shop when I got it. One reason that I loved the project was that it was pretty inexpensive. I got the shutter for around $5 (it's been so long I don't remember exact amount). Then spray paint was $3.97 and sand paper was $2.97. I already had vinyl and my cameo at home so those three items were all I needed to purchase, oh, and the $1 plastic table cloth I bought as a drop cloth.

I started by sanding off the dark green paint, which I found out also had grey paint underneath it. After this project, I've learned that I definitely need to invest in a small electric sander before doing this again. My arms were so sore! I got the main space and the edges sanded like I wanted, but I left the middle part unsanded. Since my spray paint was both primer and paint, it worked well and just covered the middle parts that I didn't sand.

I did one coat, let it dry for 10 minues. Sprayed another coat, let it dry for 10 minutes, and then sprayed any areas that needed a little extra.

While the paint dried, I got on my computer and created our name in my silhouette studio and cut out the vinyl. After the paint was dry I transfered our name to the top and wa-la, a mail organizer and wall decor! We plan on hanging it in our office area, but we still need to attach a bracket to the back.

This was an easy project that I really enjoyed... and now I also enjoy not having a random old green shutter laying around that needs fixing.

And just because we enjoyed it so much, here is a picture from our fire in our fire pit last night, and yes, we had s'mores. We are having the youth group over Friday evening so we wanted to test it out first, success!


  1. Love the shutter! Great job. The fire pit look so nice!

  2. love the transformation, thanks for sharing this idea!


Thanks for stopping by, I love hearing from you! --Brooke