Sunday, August 28, 2011

So much!

Hello everyone!  With all of the hustle and bustle of getting things ready for the wedding and finishing up my junior year of school, blogging seemed to be put on the back burner for me.  However, I never stopped reading... just posting.  Well, I have decided to get into it again and hopefully do a better job than I did before.  There has been so much that has happened in the last few months so it is going to take a little while to get you caught up... 3-2-1, here we go!
My last post was in March, so I will try to briefly recap each month since then, in April, I was completely consumed in school, finishing my short term practicum, final assignments, ect.  I was going home every weekend to get wedding "stuff" taken care of, whether it was getting invitations ready, taking bridal pictures, or stuffing kiddie bags, there was always something that needed to be done.  Then we get to May.  May started off by ending my junior year with  exams, and then the 7th was Preston's (my husband for those of you  who don't know) college graduation.  Sadly, I do not have a picture of him in his cap and gown on my new computer or I would share.  Moving on... the next 6 days were busy busy busy... because on the 7th day, I married my best friend.  The ceremony was amazing and we had a wonderful reception, everything went to smoothly.  Well, other than our ring bearer not wanting to go down the aisle, but hey, he's cute.  Here are some moments of our big day:
Me and my Daddy-O

"I DO"

Mr. and Mrs. Riffe!

Wedding Party

Our Family

Getting ready to eat!


silly picture :)
We are so thankful for the many blessings we had throughout our wedding, including the showers, attendance, prayers, and thoughts that were with us as we started our new journey together.  Well, soon after the reception came to an end, it was time to head to Cincinnati... we had a 7am flight to catch the next morning, a flight to Miami we were boarded to glorious Carnival cruise ship, Glory!  We were so excited about our trip, especially since Preston had never been on a cruise before.  We made it to Miami and got through security at the cruise terminal lickity split with no problems.  The only wait we had was right before we boarded due to a storm.  We got on the cruise and we were off to Grand Cayman, Cozumel, Belize, and Isla Roatan (Honduras).  As you can imagine, we had a wonderful vacation that included snorkeling with sting rays and checking out the Mayan ruins!  Pictures don't do the trip justice, but I'll try to give you a little peak of how much fun we had!
First time on our balcony!

Our fabulous view


Cozumel :)


2nd elegant night... we lookin' fiiiine :)


 We returned from our honeymoon at 4:30am, yes, you read that correctly, 4:30am.  We had flight delays in Chicago- it was storming as result of the storms/ tornadoes in Joplin.  We are happy to be home safe and sound.  We had a day to get things settled, and then I began working my summer job.  I had a work study in house keeping and let me tell ya, it was hard  exhausting!  In June we celebrated Preston's 23rd birthday.  We had a visit from Nana and PawPaw that we enjoyed and I baked/decorated a cake for Preston.  In July we really just continued the basic stuff, with an addition to a fun trip to King's Island amusement park.  Now it is August and school has started back.... but hey, it's senior year- almost finished!  I am currently working on getting my practicum placement set in stone and I am sure you will hear all about it when I know where I am going.
I know I have left out details, but now that I have got you somewhat caught up with our lives for the past few months I can continue posting... see you next time!



  1. I am so glad you are back! I can't wait until you post about your apartment...I want to see it! :)

  2. I have had the pictures taken for a while, just haven't posted them... I'll try to post about it this week!


Thanks for stopping by, I love hearing from you! --Brooke