Sunday, February 6, 2011

Recipe Swap!

Hope everyone has had a great weekend, I know we have certainly enjoyed ours!  Sunday we had a super bowl party at church and I wanted to take home made chip dip and then I decided to try to make a cheese ball for the first time, let me just say it was great success and everyone loved both of them.  They are simple and easy recipes that everyone should have in their kitchen for a snack to throw together in a short amount of time that is delicious. 

 Ranch Chip Dip:
*Picture taken from google :)

  • 16 oz.Sour Cream
  • 1 Powdered Ranch Packet
  • 1 Can Dried Beef
Chopped dried beef until fine, mix all ingredients together, serve with chips/crackers, enjoy!
It's that simple and sooo very tasty, Preston made it for the party and it was a huge hit!  When making it for a larger group of people, we doubled the recipe except for the dried beef, you can still use only 1 can.

Cheese Ball

I must say, I was extremely excited that the cheese ball turned out well since it was my first one I've ever made, I'll definitely be making it more often!

  •  2 8oz. cream cheese
  • 1 tablespoon worcestershire sauce
  • 1 table spoon accent flavor enhancer
  • 1/2 of small onion (diced)
  • 1 can dried beef (diced)
  • chopped pecans
After dicing dried beef and onion, mix all ingredients except almonds until well mixed.  Form into ball shape, roll in chopped pecans.  Chill. Serve with crackers (we love it on wheat thins!)  Enjoy!

I hope you enjoy these recipes and give them a try, they are great and super easy to make, now... you should leave me one of your favorite recipes! 

Happy Cooking,



  1. Brooke that looks and sounds so yummy! I have never made a cheese ball, but I think I am going to try now! :)

  2. Yay, enjoy! Let me know how it goes!


Thanks for stopping by, I love hearing from you! --Brooke