Thursday, November 13, 2014

Thankful Thursday

Part of me feels like last Thursday was yesterday and the other part of me feels like it's been forever.  Anyways, we all have things to be thankful for, here are some of mine for this week:
1. A reliable vehicle- transportation to and from work would be much more difficult if I didn't have a reliable car.
2. The extra day off I had on Tuesday. It was so nice to sleep in, get my hair cut, get the oil changed in my car, embroider with my mom, and visit my grandparents- all things I usually don't have a lot of extra time for on a weekday that I'm working.
3. Good family visits- this happened this past weekend and it was wonderful!
4. Coats, gloves, scarves- temps are really dropping this week and I'm thankful for my warm clothes.
5. Warm showers- even though I'd probably rather be asleep, at least when I get up to get ready for work I have a warm shower waiting on me... silver lining of the morning!
6. Hulu- So I can get caught up on Parenthood, any Braverman fans out there?
7. My siblings.
8. Frozen yogurt- no explanation needed.
9.  A fun weekend coming up- we are going to a concert with our youth group.
10. Thanksgiving break from work coming up very soon!
What are you thankful for this week?

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