Monday, September 22, 2014

Random thoughts

I've been wanting to blog... honestly, I have. I haven't really known what to write about though. Nothing really came to mind and I don't want to blog because I feel like I have to do it. There have been lots of thoughts floating around in my mind lately- here's what's been going on.

1. I am really looking forward to closing on our house so that all of this "stuff" will be taken care of and we will be past it.
2. By "stuff" I mean the emails and phone calls from the bank, building delays, stress...
3. Today is the first day of fall. I love Fall.. but all of my cardigans are still in storage until we move, hoping to hold out a little while longer!
4. We had a good weekend and ended it watching the movie "Endless Love" last night. By the title, we weren't sure if we were going to like it.... and I didn't like it, I loved it! If you haven't watched it, you should!
5. We are participating in trunk or treat at our church and can't decide what we want to dress up as... and I need to decide so I can get to making or ordering costumes!
6. God's timing is perfect, I keep reminding myself of that.
7. Student loans stink.
8. We're still trying to find a good routine for us since we have moved, and that hasn't really happened yet. I think we'll be more "in the groove" once we are in our house.
9. I'm trying to be ahead in work so that whenever I have to take off to close on the house it won't be a big deal, with that being said, I worked extra 4/5 days last week and will be doing it again today. Even if we don't close in the next week and a half, I think I may take a day off anyways. Still undecided.
10. I love my husband!

And there you have it, a re-cap of what's been going on with me in a 10 bullet point post.


  1. Number 10 should have been number 1.....#justbeingnana#haha

  2. I've been wondering if I was just missing your blog or something. =) I know how you feel about not blogging. I feel like we've been in the same cycle of life where we've been busy, but it's not always blog worthy. I've been wanting to see Endless Love. I will have to see it soon. I took Evan to see When the Game Stands Tall this weekend. It's a great movie!


Thanks for stopping by, I love hearing from you! --Brooke